the creamiest ever!

How to Make Mashed Potatoes

- Wash, peel and quarter potatoes. - Cook potatoes for about 30 minutes or until pierced easily with a fork.

When the potatoes are done cooking, carefully strain them into a colander. 

Then, add them to a large bowl and mash with a potato masher.

Then, add them to a large bowl and mash with a potato masher.

Then, add in the butter, milk, sour cream, and mayo. 

Mix until well-combined...

GIF of woman riding stick of butter across mashed potatoes

GIF of woman riding stick of butter across mashed potatoes

Season with salt and pepper to taste and enjoy!

And that's how you make the best mashed potatoes ever!

GIF of gravy pouring over mashed potatoes

GIF of gravy pouring over mashed potatoes

For more details on making ahead, reheating, and how to use leftovers, swipe up!

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